Streaming FAQs

Internet speed

It is recommended other household internet usage during the webcast is kept to a minimum

Can’t enter a password on a Smartphone?

Turn Smartphone to landscape mode.

No Sound?

Ensure the volume is turned up or the speakers are turned on. Play a YouTube video to ensure you have sound.

Sound Echo?

Ensure you don’t have more than one web browser window open. The echo means you have multiple videos playing.

Video Not Playing?

Make sure you are using an up-to-date web browser. Try a different web browser such as Chrome, Firefox or Safari.
Refresh or Reload the web page to ensure your browser has loaded the video player and ‘requested’ the video.

The Video is Not Working

You may need to restart your computer if you are still having trouble, or it may be your computer and its connection are not suited to playing live video. Can you watch YouTube videos?


If you continue to have difficulties please email